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Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Regina REALTOR® James Wruth Discusses How Accurate Online Property Evaluations Are

James Wruth is one of Regina’s most trusted and top-selling Realtors. A member of RE/MAX Crown Real Estate since 2006, James works with families, individuals, investors, and developers in the purchase and sale of residential properties. Since 2006, James has been a consistent Top Producing Realtor, and he has been awarded numerous prestigious distinctions including RE/MAX 100% Club distinction, Platinum Sales Award, and Remax Hall of Fame induction. James Wruth is a Trusted Regina Real Estate expert.

Wonder How Accurate Online Property Evaluations On Real Estate Websites Are?

I believe that relationships are more important than transactions. I started a career in real estate in 2006, and since that time I have built a Regina real estate business around that philosophy. My goal is a personalized one-on-one service to fully understand you, and your real estate goals, and to be 100% accountable to you. In my latest real estate tip, I discuss the accuracy of automated property evaluation software on Real Estate websites. 

FAQ: Can You Get an Accurate House Evaluation from a Realtor Website?

In today's digital age, obtaining information about real estate has become easier than ever, thanks to the plethora of real estate websites available. One common feature offered by these websites is the ability to get an estimated house evaluation with just a few clicks. However, the question arises: Can you truly rely on these online evaluations for accuracy? This blog post will delve into the pros and cons of using realtor websites for house evaluations and provide insights into their reliability.

Pros of Using Realtor Websites for House Evaluations:

Convenience: Realtor websites offer quick and easy access to estimated house values, allowing users to get an instant idea of their property's worth.

General Market Trends: These websites often incorporate data from recent property sales and market trends, providing a snapshot of the current real estate landscape.

Initial Benchmark: Online evaluations can serve as a starting point to gauge the potential value of a house before engaging with real estate professionals.

Cons of Using Realtor Websites for House Evaluations:

Limited Data: Online evaluations rely on algorithms and publicly available data, which might not capture all the specific features and conditions of a property that can affect its value.

Local Nuances: Real estate is highly localized, and the value of a property can be influenced by factors not considered by generic algorithms, such as neighbourhood dynamics, school quality, and local amenities.

Lack of Personalization: Online evaluations lack the ability to account for unique aspects of a property that can impact its value, such as renovations, upgrades, or maintenance.

Fluctuating Accuracy: The accuracy of online evaluations can vary significantly. They might overestimate or underestimate a property's value due to limitations in the algorithms used.

Professional Expertise: Realtor websites can't replace the nuanced insights provided by experienced real estate agents who intimately understand the local market.

So How Do You Find Balance?

While the real estate and realtor websites can provide a rough estimate of a property's value, they should be used as just one tool in the valuation process. To get a more accurate assessment, it's advisable to consult with a Trusted local real estate professional like James Wruth who can consider both the online estimate and additional factors that influence property value.

Realtor websites offer a convenient way to obtain an initial house evaluation, but their accuracy is limited due to their reliance on algorithms and general data. For a more precise valuation that takes into account local nuances and property-specific features, contact James Wruth. He can provide the guidance of a knowledgeable Regina real estate expert and that will always remain invaluable. Balancing the convenience of online evaluations with the expertise of a local professional is the key to making well-informed real estate decisions.

Partner up with me, I’m a top Regina RE/MAX Agent, and an experienced Regina REALTOR® 

If you are looking for a Regina Realtor who works tirelessly on your behalf and always offers honest and candid advice, James will be an expert at your side. 

Trusted Regina Financial Advisors at Worby Wealth Management Reveal The Rules of Investing

Chris Worby is a Trusted Regina based financial advisor and Wealth Management services provider. With over 20 years of experience, Worby Wealth Management has been committed to providing a high standard of financial service to individuals, families and business owners in Regina and area. Worby Wealth Management listens and provides a personalized financial plan. In their latest Worby Wealth Management Trusted Regina Financial Tip, Chris Worby shares information about the rules of investing. 

Rules of Investing - Gotta Know The Rules To Win The Game!

At Worby Wealth Management ​We are committed to providing a high standard of Investment advice to individuals, families and business owners. Understanding and following certain rules can be helpful when it comes to investing. While investing is not a guaranteed game, adhering to some principles can increase your chances of making informed decisions and achieving your financial goals.

Here are 10 key rules of investing:

  1. Set clear investment goals: Before you start investing, it’s important to define your investment objectives. Are you investing for retirement, a down payment on a house, or a specific financial milestone? Having clear goals will help shape your investment strategy.
  2. Diversify your portfolio: Diversification involves spreading your investments across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions. By diversifying, you can reduce the impact of any single investment’s performance on your overall portfolio. This helps manage risk and potentially enhance returns.
  3. Understand your risk tolerance: Assessing your risk tolerance is crucial. Some investments carry higher risks but also offer the potential for higher returns, while others are more conservative. Understanding how much risk you’re comfortable with will guide your asset allocation decisions.
  4. Do your research: Thorough research is essential before making any investment. Understand the company or investment you’re considering, analyze its financials, evaluate its competitive position, and consider any external factors that could impact its performance. Knowledge is power in investing.
  5. Take a long-term perspective: Investing is generally a long-term endeavour. While short-term market fluctuations can be unsettling, focusing on the long-term trends and staying invested over time may help smooth out volatility and increase the likelihood of positive returns.
  6. Avoid emotional decision-making: Emotional decision-making based on short-term market fluctuations can lead to poor investment choices. Try to remain objective and avoid making impulsive decisions driven by fear or greed. Stick to your investment strategy and review it periodically based on your long-term goals.
  7. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio: Periodically review your portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with your goals and risk tolerance. Market movements may cause your asset allocation to drift from your target, and rebalancing helps maintain the desired risk-reward profile.
  8. Consider the impact of fees: Fees and expenses can erode your investment returns over time. Pay attention to the costs associated with the investments you choose, including management fees, expense ratios, and transaction fees. Low-cost investment options may be more favourable in the long run.
  9. Stay informed and adapt: Keep yourself updated on market trends, economic indicators, and relevant news that could impact your investments. Flexibility and the ability to adapt your strategy as circumstances change are essential in the dynamic world of investing.
  10. Seek professional advice if needed: Investing can be complex, and seeking advice from a qualified financial advisor can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to your specific situation. An advisor can help you navigate the intricacies of investing and make well-informed decisions.

Remember, investing involves risk, and there are no foolproof rules or guarantees of success. It’s important to consider your personal circumstances and consult with professionals before making investment decisions.  Contact Worby Wealth Management Regina so we can review your investment needs today.

Some of the services that Worby Wealth Management can help you with: 

TRUSTED REGINA FINANCIAL ADVISOR Chris Worby from Worby Wealth Management helps you live your dream!


The comments herein are a general discussion of certain issues intended as general information only and should not be relied upon as tax or legal advice. Please obtain independent professional advice in the context of your particular circumstances.  This Blog was written, designed and produced by  Chris Worby for the benefit of Chris Worby, a Financial Advisor at Worby Wealth Management, a registered trade name with Investia Financial Services Inc., and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Investia Financial Services Inc.  The information contained in this article comes from sources we believe are reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability.  The opinions expressed are based on an analysis and interpretation dating from the publication date and are subject to change without notice.  Furthermore, they do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities.  Mutual Funds approved exempt market products and/or exchange-traded funds are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc.

Trusted Regina Financial Advisors at Worby Wealth Management Shares Information About ESG Investing

Chris Worby is a Trusted Regina based financial advisor and Wealth Management services provider. With over 20 years of experience, Worby Wealth Management has been committed to providing a high standard of financial service to individuals, families and business owners in Regina and area. Worby Wealth Management listens and provides a personalized financial plan. In their latest Worby Wealth Management Trusted Regina Financial Tip, Chris Worby shares information about ESG Investing.

ESG Investing - What it is and is it a good thing to do?

What is ESG?

ESG investing, also known as sustainable investing or socially responsible investing (SRI), is an investment approach that takes into account environmental, social, and governance factors when making investment decisions. It goes beyond traditional financial analysis and considers the impact of a company’s operations on various stakeholders, including employees, customers, communities, and the planet.

The “ESG” acronym represents the following:

  1. Environmental: This refers to a company’s impact on the environment, such as its carbon footprint, resource usage, pollution levels, and commitment to renewable energy.
  2. Social: This category focuses on a company’s relationships with its employees, suppliers, customers, and communities. It considers factors such as labour practices, human rights, product safety, diversity and inclusion, and community involvement.
  3. Governance: Governance relates to a company’s leadership, structure, and policies. It assesses aspects such as board independence, executive compensation, shareholder rights, transparency, and ethics.
ESG investing aims to generate financial returns while also considering the broader impact of investments on society and the environment. It allows investors to align their financial goals with their values and promote positive change.

Whether ESG investing is a good thing to do is subjective and depends on individual perspectives and goals. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Alignment with values: ESG investing provides an opportunity for individuals and institutions to invest in companies that align with their values and support causes they care about, such as sustainability, social justice, or clean energy.
  2. Long-term risk management: Companies with strong ESG performance may be better equipped to manage risks and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Assessing ESG factors can provide insights into a company’s resilience, reputation, and potential for long-term success.
  3. Performance considerations: There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that companies with robust ESG practices can deliver competitive financial performance over the long term. However, it’s important to note that financial returns can vary, and not all ESG investments will outperform traditional investments in every period.
  4. Impact on society and the environment: ESG investing can encourage companies to adopt more sustainable practices, improve social outcomes, and reduce negative environmental impacts. By directing capital towards responsible companies, investors can potentially contribute to positive change.
  5. Measurement and transparency challenges: ESG investing faces challenges related to standardization, measurement methodologies, and disclosure practices. It can be difficult to compare and evaluate ESG metrics across companies, which may hinder the effectiveness of investment decisions.
Ultimately, the decision to engage in ESG investing should consider personal values, financial goals, and risk tolerance. Working with a Trusted Regina Wealth Management Advisor who understands sustainable investing can help navigate the complexities of ESG investing and align investment strategies with your individual preferences. Contact Worby Wealth Management Regina so we can review your investment needs today.

Some of the services that Worby Wealth Management can help you with: 

TRUSTED REGINA FINANCIAL ADVISOR Chris Worby from Worby Wealth Management helps you live your dream!


The comments herein are a general discussion of certain issues intended as general information only and should not be relied upon as tax or legal advice. Please obtain independent professional advice in the context of your particular circumstances.  This Blog was written, designed and produced by  Chris Worby for the benefit of Chris Worby, a Financial Advisor at Worby Wealth Management, a registered trade name with Investia Financial Services Inc., and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Investia Financial Services Inc.  The information contained in this article comes from sources we believe are reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability.  The opinions expressed are based on an analysis and interpretation dating from the publication date and are subject to change without notice.  Furthermore, they do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities.  Mutual Funds approved exempt market products and/or exchange-traded funds are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc.

Trusted Regina Insurance Provider Campbell & Haliburton Review Credit Card Travel Insurance Vs A Travel Insurance Policy

Trusted Regina Insurance experts at Campbell and Haliburton Insurance Inc have been in the community for over 50 years. They know it is customer service and knowledge that counts when you are in need of an insurance company in Regina. Campbell & Haliburton Insurance,, dedicated insurance brokers in Regina, can assist you with finding the plan that works best for you. In their latest Campbell & Halliburton Regina insurance tip, they compare credit card travel insurance vs a travel insurance policy.

Travel insurance is a necessary consideration for anyone planning a trip, as it offers protection against various risks and uncertainties that may arise while travelling. There are two main types of travel insurance: credit card travel insurance and a traditional travel insurance policy. Both offer coverage for travel-related risks, but there are some significant differences between them.

Credit Card Travel Insurance

Credit card travel insurance is a type of insurance that is often automatically included with a credit card purchase, typically when booking a trip. This type of insurance is designed to offer limited coverage for specific risks, such as trip cancellation or interruption, and is typically offered at no additional cost to the cardholder. While this type of insurance can be convenient, it is often limited in scope and may not offer the same level of coverage as a traditional travel insurance policy.

Travel Insurance Policy

On the other hand, a traditional travel insurance policy is purchased separately and offers much more comprehensive coverage. This type of policy covers a wide range of risks and uncertainties that may arise while travelling, including medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost or stolen luggage, and more. Unlike credit card travel insurance, traditional travel insurance policies are customizable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of the traveller.

Advantages To A Travel Insurance Policy

One major advantage of a traditional travel insurance policy is the flexibility it offers. Policyholders can choose the level of coverage they require and can add or remove coverage as needed. For example, a traveller who has pre-existing medical conditions may choose to add coverage for medical emergencies to their policy. On the other hand, a traveller who is confident in their ability to manage their own risks may opt for a basic policy with limited coverage.

Another important consideration is the level of support offered by the insurance provider. Credit card travel insurance is often provided by the credit card issuer and may not have a dedicated support team or comprehensive resources to assist with claims or other issues. In contrast, traditional travel insurance providers typically have a dedicated support team and resources to assist policyholders with claims, medical emergencies, and other issues that may arise while traveling.

In conclusion, both credit card travel insurance and traditional travel insurance offer coverage for travel-related risks, but there are some important differences between them. Credit card travel insurance is typically limited in scope and offered at no additional cost, while traditional travel insurance policies offer more comprehensive coverage and are customizable. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the traveler.

Our Trusted Regina Insurance Agents at Campbell & Haliburton have your best interests and safety in mind and our commitment to customer service is one of the pillars of our business. They know insurance inside and out, so please get in touch with them for all of your insurance needs and they will be more than happy to help ensure what you value most is protected.
**This is a general overview. There are many different insurance companies, and there are always differences in insurance policies. For specific details on your policy and coverage, we recommend that you contact your agent or broker.

Trusted Regina Insurance Provider Campbell & Haliburton Tip About Mass Evacuation Coverage Insurance

Trusted Regina Insurance experts at Campbell and Haliburton Insurance Inc have been in the community for over 50 years. They know it is customer service and knowledge that counts when you are in need of an insurance company in Regina. Campbell & Haliburton Insurance,, dedicated insurance brokers in Regina, can assist you with finding the plan that works best for you. In their latest Campbell & Halliburton Regina insurance tip, they discuss mass evacuation coverage insurance. 

Summer brings not only sunny days and beach vacations but also the potential for storms, wildfires, and other emergencies. While not all emergencies require home evacuation, some do, and it’s crucial to be prepared. If you’re unsure about handling an evacuation or have questions about your Regina home insurance coverage during such situations, don’t worry! We’re here to provide some helpful information. Let’s delve into the basics of mass evacuation coverage insurance and how it can support you in times of crisis.

Firstly, you may be surprised to learn that if you have a house, condo, mobile home, or tenant insurance policy with SGI CANADA, you already have their Mass Evacuation Coverage. As an added feature on their policies, Mass Evacuation Coverage is standard on all home, condo, mobile home, and tenant insurance policies. This coverage is designed to assist with the increased cost of living that arises when you must suddenly leave your home due to an emergency.

To qualify for this coverage, the situation must be a risk covered by your policy, such as a wildfire, directly impacting your property. Additionally, an evacuation order from a civil authority, such as a municipality or provincial government, must be in place. It’s important to note that you will only be eligible for this coverage if you evacuate your home based on an official evacuation order.

Expenses You Can Claim Under Mass Evacuation Coverage

This coverage will reimburse you for essential living expenses, including: 
  • your hotel room,
  • meal costs,
  • fuel,
  • and other necessary items that you can’t bring from your home.

The coverage typically extends for up to 30 days, depending on the amount specified on your policy’s cover page.

Remember to retain all receipts for the expenses you incur during the evacuation period. On each receipt, note the reason for the purchase and how you intend to use the item or service. Taking photos of your receipts with your phone is also recommended to maintain a digital record.

If you find yourself in an evacuation situation, the first step is to ensure your safety and settle into a secure location. Once you have done so, get in touch with your Campbell & Haliburton Insurance broker to discuss the possibility of making a claim under your Mass Evacuation Coverage. They will guide you through the claim process, or if you prefer, you can also file a claim online through They can clarify how your insurance policy protects your home in the face of extreme weather, wildfires, or other threats, and offer valuable guidance on keeping your family safe throughout the summer months.

Your peace of mind is essential, and by understanding your insurance coverage and knowing how to handle an evacuation, you can face emergencies with confidence. Don’t hesitate to contact your Campbell & Haliburton Insurance broker to learn more about your specific home insurance coverage and ensure that you’re well-prepared for any unexpected events that may arise this summer. 

Our Trusted Regina Insurance Agents at Campbell & Haliburton have your best interests and safety in mind and our commitment to customer service is one of the pillars of our business. They know insurance inside and out, so please get in touch with them for all of your insurance needs and they will be more than happy to help ensure what you value most is protected.
**This is a general overview. There are many different insurance companies, and there are always differences in insurance policies. For specific details on your policy and coverage, we recommend that you contact your agent or broker.

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