Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

How to Get a Fair Appraisal on Your Vehicle By Trusted Regina Insurance Provider Campbell & Haliburton

Trusted Regina Insurance experts at Campbell and Haliburton Insurance Inc have been in the community for over 50 years. They know it is customer service and knowledge that counts when you are in need of an insurance company in Regina. Campbell & Haliburton Insurance,, dedicated insurance brokers in Regina, can assist you with finding the plan that works best for you. In their latest Campbell & Halliburton Regina insurance tip, they review how to get a fair appraisal on your vehicle. 

If you’re trying to get a fair appraisal on a vehicle in the Regina area that has been in an accident, it’s important to understand the guidelines set forth by Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI). Here are some tips to help you get a fair appraisal:

Get a pre-appraisal inspection:

Before taking your vehicle to an appraiser, consider getting a pre-appraisal inspection. This will give you an idea of the extent of the damage and what repairs will need to be done. You can use this information to negotiate with the appraiser if you feel that their appraisal is unfair.

Choose a reputable appraiser:

Look for an appraiser who is licensed and has experience in assessing vehicles that have been in accidents. Check their references and ask for examples of previous appraisals they have done.

Provide all necessary documentation:

Make sure you provide the appraiser with all the documentation they need, such as the accident report, repair receipts, and any other relevant documents. This will help them to accurately assess the value of your vehicle.

Be honest about the damage:

Be honest about the extent of the damage to your vehicle. Trying to hide or downplay the damage will only hurt your chances of getting a fair appraisal.

Understand the appraisal process:

Familiarize yourself with the appraisal process so you know what to expect. The appraiser will typically inspect your vehicle, assess the damage, and compare it to the market value of similar vehicles in your area.

Negotiate, if necessary:

If you feel that the appraiser’s assessment is unfair, don’t be afraid to negotiate. Provide any additional information you have that may affect the value of your vehicle and be willing to compromise.

Know your rights:

If you’re not satisfied with the appraisal, you have the right to appeal the decision. Contact SGI for more information on how to file an appeal.

In conclusion, getting a fair appraisal on a vehicle that has been in an accident requires preparation, honesty, and understanding of the appraisal process. By following these tips and working with a reputable appraiser, you can ensure that you receive a fair value for your vehicle. Talk to one of our Trusted Regina Insurance Agents at Campbell & Haliburton we have your best interests in mind when it comes to explaining how to get a fair appraisal on your vehicle.

Our Trusted Regina Insurance Agents at Campbell & Haliburton have your best interests and safety in mind and our commitment to customer service is one of the pillars of our business. They know insurance inside and out, so please get in touch with them for all of your insurance needs and they will be more than happy to help ensure what you value most is protected.
**This is a general overview. There are many different insurance companies, and there are always differences in insurance policies. For specific details on your policy and coverage, we recommend that you contact your agent or broker.

WINMAR® To Fly in 2023 Give Hope Wings Prairie Expedition

WINMAR® Regina performs restoration services for residential and commercial properties across Saskatchewan. Their crews offer prompt and professional services to help our customers get back to pre-loss life with the least amount of interruption and associated costs possible. They are the Regina property restoration specialistsWINMAR IS A TRUSTED REGINA DISASTER SERVICES & REGINA GENERAL CONTRACTORIn their latest news, they share that Kyle Jacques, of WINMAR®, will fly in the 2023 Give Hope Wings Prairie Expedition.

WINMAR® to fly in 2023 Give Hope Wings Prairie Expedition

Pilot Kyle Jacques, and his co-pilot Yianni Macris, along with the support of WINMAR® Property Restoration Specialists, will be flying in the 6th Annual Give Hope Wings Prairie Expedition from June 18th through June 23rd. I have attached a press release and an infographic where you can make a donation to support Kyle, Yianni and WINMAR® on their journey!

"As the owner of multiple WINMAR® franchises in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, I understand the importance of helping our local communities and supporting those who support us each day. Often the remote communities that are spread throughout the Great Plains are still left without access or adequate transportation to the larger cities to access health and medical resources when they truly need them. Without a program like Give Hope Wings, some would never make it to medical appointments. In efforts to bridge this gap and to raise awareness to others that these programs and opportunities are out there for families truly in need. I will be taking part in Give Hope Wings expedition of 2023. The idea of helping remote communities and deserving families transport loved ones to the medical care they need, that they normally may not be able to get to, is not only life-changing for those families but also truly soul-filling for the ones helping make these differences in the lives of many.” – Kyle Jacques

The Give Hope Wings Prairies Expedition begins and ends in Regina. The group will fly east to Winnipeg, north to Thompson, then west to Fort McMurray then back via Lethbridge.

This is a total of 2,245m if you fly the entire route, about 23 hours at 100K.

The Expedition is organized so that you may join the group at any stop and finish at any point as well.

Give Hope Wings has raised more than $1.8 Million since 2017, which is enough to fund nearly 6000 flights for needy patients. For 2023, they’re targeting $600,000 raised which will help more than 2,000 individual patients in their healthcare journey. Our patient ambassadors, along with the impact it has on their family and friends, are the people you help by supporting Give Hope Wings.

Thank you again for considering the important role you can play in helping patients get medical care. If you'd like to support this cause, you can make a donation here:



CONGRATULATIONS MacKay & McLean Barristers & Solicitors On Celebrating 10 years as a Trusted Regina Law firm



In this series of recognition articles, we continue to spotlight the businesses that have been Trusted Regina Partners for over ten years. Currently, we are recognizing Partners that joined the Trusted Regina community in 2012. We want to thank them for TRUSTING our team, and we are identifying each of them individually for providing ten years of OUTSTANDING service to the citizens of Regina and the surrounding area! This latest article celebrates and recognizes MACKAY & MCLEAN Barristers & Solicitors, Trusted Regina Lawyers.

MacKay & McLean Barristers & Solicitors

MacKay & McLean started in 1976 when Sterling McLean and David MacKay combined their service in a downtown Regina office on Cornwall Street. Robert MacKayafter working there as a legal assistant in the late 80s and early 90s, then as an associate lawyer after passing the bar in 1996 made partner in 2001.

Being an “all purpose” practice, everything from personal injury and civil litigation to criminal defenses and corporate legalese; real estate, wills, estates and family matters became the preferred areas of law the firm practiced in.  

Real Estate was considered a happier form of law to deal in. Helping people acquire homes, advising on financing options and how to reduce debt, all to assist in helping families achieve their goals.  

With wills and estates it was the duty of the lawyer to take an often awkward and sad occasion and make it easier on those planning for when they are gone or helping those that were left to deal with the wake of things past.

The culture of the family office at MacKay & McLean has guided them to become a bigger part of the community. Lawyers join the firm who also wish to be a benefit to the community.

Their support staff made up of legal assistants and paralegals accumulated through the years have been trained to not only create documents and assist in the execution of documents but are capable of answering most day to day questions regarding the process and timing of operation regarding the files they are assigned.  

It is through their supervised efforts that help make the clients experience as swift and satisfying as possible.  If language is a barrier in assisting our clients we have a stable of interpreters capable of removing confusion from the issues.

Moving forward, a large concern of theirs is the recent direction the courts have taken in an effort to increase the accessibility of regular folks' access justice. Unfortunately this is a daunting task and the efforts, at times seem pointless. The court system is expensive and cost-prohibitive to many. The changes in the legal system have led to complicated and time consuming hurdles. Mandatory mediation, judicial case conferences and pre-trials created to lessen the burden on the court’s docket, have instead led to half day meetings with lawyers and clients awaiting their turn, adding to the billable hours a client must deal with. This in itself makes an action less likely to be dealt with. If someone owes you $2,000, it is not likely you will spend $3,000 to deal with it.

This all may lead to the legal profession taking it on the chin and leave people believing that lawyers are not one of them. Being a part of the community helps lawyers keep a pulse on what is important to their clients.  Regardless of the type of law you are venturing into, be it real estate, criminal or litigious actions, the courts often take into consideration the public at large and the effects that decisions create on a population bound by them.

MacKay & McLean appreciate the importance of community and try to contribute in various ways when possible. Each lawyer and firm has their own persona and with that comes different goals. Theirs is to do things that are right. Let them help find people financing and homes. Let’s help keep people safe and when they are injured, help them get the compensation they need to get back to where they once were.

Joining service groups, municipal clubs and organizations are not just tools to help create business. Instead they are a means of joining the community. Sharing their concerns and hopes, while working on a common goal usually leads to an orderly success however the money charged by the firms to these groups often does not cover the cost of doing business. This is not done solely with the hope to work for them again in the future, but because they and their firms exist in the community.

They may work on a contingency or even pro-bono for the right client, especially if the case pertains to principles that are dear to them and their own ideologies. If a freedom of speech or discrimination file comes to light, often a lawyer will become the face of the case only to be forgotten once the matter is settled. They took it on, not for fame nor for fortune, instead it was taken on because it was thought to be both worthy and right.

Honesty and integrity is a very large part of being a successful lawyer. Clients go to them because they feel they can trust them, and they can. Often we hear how lawyers are akin to overzealous hucksters and confident men. Few realize that a lawyer’s actions are both insured and guaranteed by the law society. Governed by peers who all share the same public thoughts and armed with the powers of suspension, disbarment and oversight, the law society helps protect the reputation of the system and the community at large.

MacKay and McLean is proud of their  culture and maintaining a family atmosphere while offering our services directly to the community. Doing so effectively has led them to expand, hire more lawyers and staff and create a name that helps all of our clients navigate a complex system without losing their shirts.

What MacKay & McClean Clients Say…

"Mr. D. MacKay is a lawyer with ethics and integrity, making him a bit rare in the field! He's always more interested in giving good advice then in taking your money!" - James Turner
"Robert MacKay and Alina have done a couple transactions for me. They are down to earth at the same time as being professional. Very pleased with the work and definitely recommend!" - Randy Knapp
"Lawyers you can TRUST! Robert MacKay and the team are amazing to deal with - outstanding service and advice!" - Sara Wheelwright

Thank you to the  MacKay & McLean team for TRUSTING us ! You have provided over ten years of AMAZING service to the people of Regina & area as Trusted Regina lawyers. We are proud to support you and share that they have diligently upheld the 5 TRUSTED GUARANTEES of service and have never received a complaint about them!

Trusted Regina Wheatland Fireplace, Kitchen & Bath Discuss How To Customize Your Outdoor Kitchen

Your first step into the beautiful Wheatland Fireplace Kitchen & Bath Regina showroom will help you understand why Wheatland has been given the Thumbs up by Trusted Regina. Wheatland loves their customers and as a result, their customers love and TRUST them. In their latest outdoor living tip, they explain how to customize your outdoor kitchen.

How To Customize Your Outdoor Kitchen

Custom outdoor kitchens are in high demand because they add value to the home, are great for entertaining, and expands your property’s living space. Let’s explore the most important factors to consider when customizing your own unique outdoor dream kitchen.

Define the Space

Just as homes come in many shapes and sizes, the same is true for outdoor kitchens. A few common kitchen shapes are L-shaped, linear, and even U-Shaped kitchens. Another popular option is a two-piece kitchen, where there’s a section for cooking, storage, and accessories. The other section usually features a bar and is used for dining and entertaining. Which layout sounds most suitable for your outdoor area?

It’s important to consider placement when you are incorporating a custom kitchen into your space. Here are a few things you’ll need to think about when turning your outdoor dream into a reality:

1. Proximity
One crucial aspect of where you decide to place your kitchen is how far away it is from your home. Since some of the food preparation will need to be done inside, you’ll want to place your kitchen in close distance with the entrance of your backyard. This will allow for hassle-free transportation between the two locations.

2. Backyard Size
The size of your backyard should factor in to how large you build your outdoor kitchen. Take some time to strategize how much square footage you’re willing to give up for your custom kitchen design. The size you want your kitchen to be is completely up to you.  

3. Zoning Laws
Be sure to check with local and national ordinances when determining the size and placement of your outdoor dining area. Zoning laws are in place to regulate how your property can be used. It’d be a shame to finalize a beautiful outdoor kitchen project that might not satisfy local codes and regulations.

Pro tip: Find a professional. There are many technical factors to consider when building an outdoor kitchen, such as heat clearances, electrical accessibility, and zoning laws, so finding the right person for the job will aid in creating a safe and fully optimized outdoor entertainment area.

Prioritize Your Accessories

When it comes to indoor cooking and dining, what’s most important to you? Perhaps it’s the shimmering, stainless-steel appliances or plentiful amount of pantry space. Some homeowners really value a kitchen island with a bar for entertaining guests and countertop space with added storage.

Since an outdoor kitchen brings all that you love about your indoor kitchen outdoors, we recommend reflecting on what’s most important to you as you customize this new area. Here’s a quick list of grills, storage units, and other accessories commonly used in outdoor kitchen designs:
  • Drawers and access doors for storage and trash
  • Charcoal, gas, and electric grills for cooking
  • Sink with faucet for cleaning
  • Refrigerator for beverages

Explore What’s Popular

Once you’ve built the framework for your outdoor kitchen, the next step is deciding the kind of look you want for the exterior finish. Homeowners commonly use the same materials on their home for the exterior of their outdoor kitchen for a clean, unifying look. Other popular materials used for the base are stucco, brick, or stone veneer, also known as stacked stone. Supercast™ concrete and granite are suitable options for the countertop section of outdoor kitchens.

Many backyards also incorporate some kind of shading, such as a gazebo, awning, pergola, or umbrella, to further define the outdoor kitchen area and fend off a bright and scorching sun. These sources of shade can be outfitted with outdoor lighting to make kitchens an all-day, one-stop-shop for relaxation and entertaining.

Wheatland Fireplace, Kitchen & Bath are successful for a reason! This really is where your outdoor living and indoor fireplace, bathroom & kitchen dreams meet in spectacular surroundings! Wheatland services and installs high-quality fireplaces. Visit their website or stop by their showroom to feel the warmth and comfort of their amazing selection.

Check out their listing hereWheatland Fireplace Kitchen & Bath is a Trusted Regina Outdoor Living store and much much more!

"Better Living Begins Here... At Wheatland, it is ALL ABOUT YOU!"

Trusted Regina Financial Advisors at Worby Wealth Management Explain RRSPs

Chris Worby is a Trusted Regina based financial advisor and Wealth Management services provider. With over 20 years of experience, Worby Wealth Management has been committed to providing a high standard of financial service to individuals, families and business owners in Regina and area. Worby Wealth Management listens and provides a personalized financial plan. In their latest Worby Wealth Management Trusted Regina Financial Tip, they share details about Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSPs).

Registered Retirement Saving Plans (RRSPs)

By Chris Worby - May 2023

A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is an investment that is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) which allows for the deferring of taxes owed on the money contributed and any investment income earned until future years when the funds are withdrawn.  

RRSP Contributions 

The money you contribute to an RRSP now allows you to reduce the income you pay tax on for the previous taxation year. 2 months into the next calendar year is the usual deadline to invest into RRSPs for the previous taxation year.  That means January and February is the perfect time to invest in an RRSP for the previous tax year.

“Wait, did you mean now as in now, or as in now… eh I’ll get to it soon now?”  

That  old adage is never more relevant – 

" The best time to invest was 50 years ago… the second best time to invest is right now! "

The 2022 limit is $29,210 or 18% of your earned income reported on your 2021 tax return (whichever is less), minus any employer-sponsored pension plan contribution, plus any unused contribution room from previous years.  Check your most recent CRA Notice of Assessment (NOA) to determine your limit.  

Age Limits

No minimum contribution age exists, but you must have earned income reported to CRA.  At Worby Wealth Management, we’ll never promote child labour; regardless, my children seem to think spending time on Roblox counts as performing a household chore. 

The sooner you start contributing to your RRSP, the better to take advantage of the power of compounding.  Contributions can be made until you turn 71, when they must be converted to an RRIF, or you must purchase an Annuity.

Investment Choices

Various investments can be held in an RRSP, including cash, GICs, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs and individual stocks.  However, before choosing your investment approach, it’s always best to consider Retirement, Tax, and possibly even Estate issues.

Questions regarding RRSPs? 

If you have questions about account or investment options, contact Worby Wealth Management to get your questions answered and start investing in an RRSP or other investment accounts today.

Some of the services that Worby Wealth Management can help you with: 

TRUSTED REGINA FINANCIAL ADVISOR Chris Worby from Worby Wealth Management helps you live your dream!


The comments herein are a general discussion of certain issues intended as general information only and should not be relied upon as tax or legal advice. Please obtain independent professional advice in the context of your particular circumstances.  This Blog was written, designed and produced by  Chris Worby for the benefit of Chris Worby, a Financial Advisor at Worby Wealth Management, a registered trade name with Investia Financial Services Inc., and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Investia Financial Services Inc.  The information contained in this article comes from sources we believe are reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability.  The opinions expressed are based on an analysis and interpretation dating from the publication date and are subject to change without notice.  Furthermore, they do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities.  Mutual Funds approved exempt market products and/or exchange-traded funds are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc.

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