Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Chris Worby a Trusted Regina Financial Expert talks about Using a Safety Net:

Finding the shortest and safest route to any of your dreams requires planning and only with a carefully thought out financial plan can you be sure to make the most of your resources and to protect against risks along the way. At Worby Wealth Management, Chris will do his best to help you achieve those dreams with a plan that is tailored to your specific needs and based on your individual situation.

Let Trusted Regina Financial Adisir Chris Worby of  Worby Wealth Management help you live your dream!

Using a Safety Net:

Worby Wealth Management a Trusted Regina Financial Consultant talks about your Emergency Fund.

Say in the same month you have your water heater go, your car needs $2500 worth of work and you have to take an emergency trip to see an ailing relative. Where is that money going to come from? Many people know we should save a few months’ worth of expenses for the ‘just in case’ times but very few people know how to.

• How much money should be in an emergency fund?

• How to build one

• How to use it for annual ‘fun’ items I’ve heard it said that you should have 3 to 6 months’ worth of expenses handy on a ‘just in case’ basis.

I generally think a dollar amount is a better idea. Think of how much makes sense for you but a good guideline is somewhere in the $10,000 to $15,000 range – that is enough money to deal with most household’s finances for a couple of months in the event of job loss or such but still allows for funds to go towards longer terms goals like retirement.

Building one can be difficult but really, the best way is to set up a high interest rate account separate from your regular chequing account and send money there from every paycheque. Now that you know what your goal amount is, you can target that and, if you want to go from $0 to $10,000 over the course of 4 years, it’s going to be $2500/yr or about $100/bi-weekly. It may take some time to build this up so I often recommend using tax returns or some other once a year source of funds like bonuses to get this done more quickly.

Finally, I get asked how to budget for an annual trip or some such pretty regularly – this fund can help. Say it’s established and you are ticking along just fine at around $12,000 and you have decided this is good for your household. Once that fund gets above that amount, you have spending money! Say you want to take the family to Mexico during the winter every now and then, whenever you have $17,000 (if it costs $5000), you are free to go. Emergency funds, they are helpful and very few people have them. Give me a call or email and we can figure out how to get one up and running for you.


Chris Worby is a Trusted Regina financial advisor and Wealth Management consultant servicing local Regina households and businesses since 2001.



Some of the services that Worby Wealth Management can help you with: 

TRUSTED REGINA FINANCIAL ADVISOR Chris Worby from Worby Wealth Management helps you live your dream!

Wheatland Fireplace a Trusted Regina Outdoor Living & Recreation expert share a tip on the Big Green Egg

Your first step into the beautiful Wheatland Fireplace showroom will help you understand why Wheatland Fireplace has been given the Thumbs up by Trusted Regina.

This really is where your REGINA Outdoor livingWheatland Fireplace are your Exclusive Trusted REGINA FIREPLACE store and they are Trusted REGINA OUTDOOR LIVING & RECREATION Experts. 

Here they share a tip on the Big Green Egg:


The Egg In Canada

Canadians from coast to coast have been enjoying the Ultimate Cooking Experience for over ten years.

Regardless of the weather conditions the Big Green Egg is guaranteed to meet your expectations and provide meals for a lifetime. All Big Green Eggs and accessories are stocked in Canada and carry a Canadian service warranty. The Big Green Egg can be found at specialty shops in every province. Big Green Egg dealers love to demonstrate the benefits and features of the BGE. If you are concerned with environmental issues, efficiency and reliability the Big Green Egg is a “must have”.


Benefits of the Egg

  • The Big Green Egg offers unmatched cooking flexibility – the EGG® is a grill, a smoker and an oven.
  • Space-age ceramics and double-wall construction make the Big Green Egg durable and fuel efficient.
  • BGE Organic Natural lump charcoal gives your food amazing flavor.
  • Choice of six sizes to accommodate everyone’s needs.
  • Over 35 year history of dependable customer service makes it easy to get answers to your questions.
  • Our helpful website provides recipes, cooking tips and an active user’s forum.
  • With a lifetime warranty on ceramic parts, the EGG won’t clog the waste stream like metal grills that are discarded after a few years. Ceramics won’t rust like metal grills.
  • With the use of the Plate Setter, you can cook “indirect” without sacrificing cooking space.
  • You can cook in the EGG year around, even in rain or freezing temperatures.
  • Low, even temperature ensures moist, “Pit BBQ-tender” smoked foods.
  • The Big Green Egg cooks hotter and produces steakhouse searing temperature with ease. Meat, fish, poultry, veggies & fruit – the EGG does them all effortlessly.
  • Bakes better than a brick oven – pizza, bread and even desserts.
  • The ceramic surface stays cooler than other grills, so it is safer around children and pets.
  • The EGG is ready for you to start cooking in minutes with no lighter fluid used.
  • The EGG maintains precise temperature to within a few degrees simply by adjusting the top and bottom vents.
  • The radiant heat from all surfaces guarantees exceptional results.
  • The baked on exterior glaze maintains its good looks and readily wipes clean with a damp cloth. Cleanup is effortless; the EGG cleans itself like a self-cleaning oven.
  • Lump charcoal produces little ash, eliminating the need to empty out ash after each barbecue.
  • You can cook for hours without adding more charcoal. Unburned charcoal can be saved for the next cookout simply by closing the vents to snuff out the fire, saving you money!
  • Dozens of EGGcessories designed especially for the Big Green Egg make your cooking even more foolproof. Specialty grids and extended racks offer great versatility. Double or triple the capacity with a grill extender. To view the online "Eggcessories" catalogue click HERE!

Eggs & More:

Complete Outdoor Cooker

With its unparalleled flexibility of use, you can use your Big Green Egg for everything from grilling a steak to slow cooking a tender brisket to baking a loaf of bread. Vegetables – corn, potatoes, mushrooms, onions – and even desserts are superb. You can cook everything that you need for an entire meal at once!


Moisture Retention

The Big Green Egg is made using spaceage ceramics that were developed specifically for our product. The EGG retains heat and moisture so well that foods do not dry out! Meats and other foods undergo little or no shrinkage and are tastier because the natural juices and flavors stay locked inside.

Easy to Start

The Big Green Egg reaches cooking temperature and is ready to use in approximately 10 minutes. Lighting the natural lump charcoal is quick using a natural fire starter or an electric lighter; no lighter fluid should be used. The inventive design of the EGG draws air into the lower draft door, through the charcoal, and out of the damper top.

Easy Temperature Control

You can grill, smoke and bake at exact temperatures by adjusting the dampers. You have total control over the temperature, maintaining accuracy within a few degrees! The temperature North American made gauge in the lid gives precise temperature readings from 0ºF to 750ºF +.

Easy Clean Up

The Big Green Egg® exterior has a lifetime baked-on glaze that maintains its good looks and easily wipes clean. Inside, the heat burns off any grease build-up – like a self-cleaning oven.

Year–Round Use

The Big Green Egg is easy to use in all climates, even in freezing temperatures, snow or rain.

5 EGG options to choose from:

  • - XXL Coming Soon
  • - XLarge 205 lbs – 24” grid
  • - Large 140 lbs – 18.25” grid
  • - Medium 95 lbs – 15” grid
  • - Small 65 lbs – 13” grid
  • - Mini 30 lbs – 9.5” grid


To read more about the Big Green Egg such as "Eggceptional Qualites, "Eggvantages" and "Eggcessories" click HERE!


Visit the Wheatland Fireplace' showroom at or see their listing in the REGINA OUTDOOR LIVING & RECREATION and in the REGINA Home appliance & fireplace  category. They are your Trusted REGINA FIREPLACE Experts  

Trusted Regina Heating & Air Conditioning expert tip on Repair vs. Replacement:

 Trusted Regina Air Conditioning and Furnace experts 

Heating & Air Conditioning Repair vs. Replacement:

Your air conditioning and heating system can be one of the most expensive purchases you make in your home. There are many factors to consider when determining whether or not you should repair an old unit or replace it, such as the age of the unit, overall investment costs, from initial purchase price to long term operating costs, and utility rates. To help determine whether or not you should keep your existing system, we've created an interactive Repair vs. Replacement Calculator.

Simply fill in the text field below with a number, and click your "tab" key. More text and text fields will appear. Whenever you see the "tab" note, click your tab key to continue the calculation.

What is the Cost of Keeping Your Existing System?



Some homeowners may feel "if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it." Here are some often-overlooked considerations. Sometimes you put multiple repairs into a system that is on its last legs. As of January 2006, new air conditioner efficiency standards came into effect. Most systems installed before this date cost up to 20% or more to operate than today’s base efficiency models.

If you agree that SOONER or LATER you will have to replace your air conditioning or heating system, what is the longest you think it would be?


CLICK HERE to be directed to the tab keys and for the interative calculator. 


Chris Worby a Trusted Regina Financial Expert provides a tip on Sensible Finances

Finding the shortest and safest route to any of your dreams requires planning and only with a carefully thought out financial plan can you be sure to make the most of your resources and to protect against risks along the way. At Worby Wealth Management, Chris will do his best to help you achieve those dreams with a financial plan that is tailored to your specific needs and based on your individual situation.

Let TRUSTED REGINA's FINANCIAL ADVISOR Chris Worby from Worby Wealth Management help you live your dream! 

Here Chris shares a tip on Sensible Finances:

I was working on my deck this weekend when I realized something – eyesight + math is better than math alone.

This got me thinking about investing and our decision making. I have often said that a little common sense will save a lot of people a lot of grief and, if I think of eyesight as common sense, my experience this weekend makes sense.



Just as spacing 2X6s needs to meet the litmus test of “does this look right,” so does decisions with money. A few years ago, there was a “charitable gifting” program where you put in $5000 and get a $20,000 tax receipt. It was difficult to understand, convoluted and, ultimately, fraudulent – but the only tool you needed in order to see through it was your common sense. How can $5000 equal $20,000?

If you find yourself on the phone with someone calling you asking for your Visa card number so you can “win a free trip,” you can consider this: “would I give my phone number to someone I know? How about someone I don’t know?”




And the same thing with investments that promise high long-range rates of return. Does 12%, 15%, 18% make sense these days with little or no risk?

As with the deck, math is good, but the eyeball is a good double check. For the record, I had forgotten one thing, re-did the math and it did make sense at that point. But having a quick eyeball at it was all it took to make sure it was right. Don’t forget your common sense. And if you need a second set of eyes, your financial advisor is always available to help you out.  


Call Chris Worby at  (306) 757-4747 ext 226  or on his Cell: (306) 737-2909. Check out his listing on the Regina Directory in the REGINA FINANCIAL SERVICES category   . Chris is a Trusted REGINA FINANCIAL EXPERT 



The Trusted Regina ,com directory talk to the experts TRUSTED Show- who are we and what do we do? celebrated it's 1 year anniversary on April 15th 2013 ..the directory has had over 45,000 visitors ( most from Regina - 81% from Saskatchewan ), yet we get questions on a weekly basis from the public and businesses who are unsure what we actually do and what being Trusted means !  

The Trusted Regina Directory team of want to make sure that the public knows exactly who we are , what we stand for ( and against ) and how we do what we do , so we asked our wonderful Facebook and Twitter fans to submit questions about Trusted to us , so we could answer them..50 questions later we knew we had a great show ( and that we had done the right thing to ask!!).

Sean Dean and the team then chose 5 lucky winners from these questions to thank them for their great questions, see the list of prizes and winners below!


Enjoy the Trusted Show!!



 1. $100 Just For You Day Spa Gift Certificate - Shonte Hill      

2. $100 Trusted Regina Gift Certificate - Cindy Verbeek

3. $100 Trusted Regina Gift Certificate- Greg Rintoul

4. $100 Trusted Regina Gift Certificate- Anita Robinson

5. $100 Trusted Regina Gift Certificate-Bridget Veiszer     


If you are a lucky winner please email for the full details and to claim your prize!


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