Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Regina Auto Body Shop Bergen's Auto Body Share a Handy Back to School Vehicle Checklist

Bergens Auto Body is a local family collision repair business and from the moment you walk in the door you will be treated like family! 

They are proud to have an amazing 80 Years Auto Body Experience, and they have been serving Regina Auto Body needs for over 30 Years....they have a loyal customer base that simply wouldn't think of going anywhere else. Bergen's Auto Body are a  Trusted Regina Auto Body Shop, they offer courtesy cars to their clients and they specialize in foreign vehicles. In their latest Trusted Regina Auto Body Tip they share information on paint matching. 


Back to school checklists aren't just for school supplies of books and papers.  Bergen's Auto Body also wants to remind you that your vehicle needs to be back to school ready as well. 

Are you sending a son or daughter off to University with a car? Or will they be driving to and from high school?  Is your carpool schedule starting up, with your kids in the car, plus a few extras? Make sure you have our Back-to-School checklist for your vehicle completed as part of your school preparation this year, you’ll be glad you did!

Just a reminder to make sure all maintenance and safety items are checked and ready to go.  Look over this checklist and make sure your (or your child’s) car is ready to go!

  • Check your oil level and condition. You have heard it before, but we all need a little reminder to keep up the maintenance on our cars (myself included!)  This is the most basic maintenance item to check off.  If you let go too long, having little to no oil can cause extreme engine damage (often requiring total engine replacement!).  All cars need adequate oil to keep moving parts lubricated and to keep engine friction to a minimum, so keep up on your oil changes!
  • Headlights and brake lights. Be sure your lights are operational – brake lights that are burned out are a ticketable offence.  For safety, you need to be able to see and be seen.
  • Brakes. Do they stop your car quickly and immediately?  Are you hearing any grinding during braking?  Brake pads or shoes (and the rotors or drums that they press against) are a “wear” item and are intended to be replaced when they become thin.  Extremely hard brake pads may last a long time, but they can be squeaky and noisy and could wear drums and warp rotors prematurely.  Brake pads should be replaced, and rotors machined, periodically to keep them wearing evenly and braking smoothly. Make sure you have them checked by an expert auto technician.
  • Tires are your vehicle’s only contact with the road. Will they provide the traction you need to corner and stop in rain or slick road conditions and are they appropriate for the road conditions where you or your student will be driving?  Check the tread. If your tread is less than 2/32” the tire should be replaced. Check for correct tire pressure
  • Not sure where to find your tire pressure? Look on the sticker on the driver’s side door jamb or in your owner’s manual.


  •  Check your windshield wiper fluid. Visibility is vital to driving safety – be sure you are able to clean your windshield quickly if you are hit by a big bug or run into dust or (oh no!) snow.
  • Fluid levels and condition. Coolant and transmission fluid keeps your engine and transmission cool and lubricated.  Levels should be checked periodically to make sure there is adequate fluid with no leaks in the system.  Coolant should be changed every 50-100,000 miles (or every 4-5 years).  Transmission fluid should be flushed and filled every 40-60,000 miles (please check your Owner’s Manual for recommendations specific to your vehicle).  Brake and power steering fluids should also be monitored and topped off or changed as needed.
  • Test and clean the battery. Is the battery adequate to start your vehicle consistently, and run all of the electrical systems in your car?  Batteries may need to be replaced every 3-5 years and offer little to no warning that they are failing.  Check the date of the battery (located on top). Corrosion should periodically be cleaned off battery posts and cables to maintain an amperage level and a good electrical ground.
  • Proof of insurance.  Make sure your student has the current auto insurance card inside the vehicle or in their wallet or purse.  You may want to add Roadside Assistance to the policy if they will be going to University out of town.
  • Emergency kit for the car.  Get one inside the vehicle if you don’t already have one.  Find one with a set of jumper cables included in case a battery fails.  Many kits also include instructions printed on the bag for the cables.  Or if you have a kit already, be sure that it is updated with any medication, and other first-aid items that may have been used previously.  Be sure it is well stocked and with items needed for the part of the country you or your student will be taking the vehicle.

  • Jack and spare tire.  Be sure they are in the vehicle and the spare is in good shape.  You don’t want to need either and find them missing if you have a flat tire. Also, make sure everyone driving  knows HOW to change a tire ( and where to find the spare)

Bergen’s Auto Body & Collision Centre, treat you like family and that means w work hard to give your vehicles back to you properly and most importantly safely!

Trusted Regina Tip on How to Cultivate Company Culture From Home

Cultivating Company Culture from Home

Cultivating Company Culture from Home

With the COVID-19 pandemic, employees are looking for more when it comes to their workday, especially when many are working from home now. Not necessarily more money or more benefits (although those are important), but more fulfillment. It’s normal for an employee to want to know their work matters; to feel valued and like they’re making a difference. 

How can your business offer that when your only interaction is through a Zoom meeting? By reinforcing a strong company culture that exceeds the walls of your office. Your culture sets you apart from other employers, either in a good way or maybe not-so-good way. How can you ensure a company culture that has employees (and clients) sticking by you? Here are five ways.

1. Reestablish your values.

The culture is what defines your company. Within that culture lies your core values; however, unless you’re following through with them, they are worthless. The only thing worse than a company with no values is one where the values are meaningless. Share the things that mean the most to your business with your employees. Show them why these things matter and illustrate how they, as an individual, fit into the mix. 


2. Listen to your current employees.

Given the current situation, it’s important to retain the employees you already have. Try sending out staff questionnaires or surveys about the current culture to see how team members are feeling, then (drum roll) listen to what they actually say. 

If you prove to your employees that their opinions matter, they will be more likely to stay with the company, enjoy their work and recommend the business to others. Not only that, but the positivity from an employee who feels valued will contribute to a positive company culture overall.

 3. Build a team mentality.

It can be so easy for employees to lose motivation, especially while many are in the confines of their own homes for what feels like forever. How can you counteract this? Develop a goal that your entire team can get excited about. Build up the idea of “we’re all in this together” (think High School Musical). You are all part of the same team, with each member doing his or her part towards the ultimate goal. 

Every person wants to feel important to the organization. By building up a team mentality for your company, you create a culture of unity and community. From here, you will be able to see who’s a team player and who’s not, by those supporting the company and fellow coworkers.

 4. Check on your team.

It can be easy to assume that, since your team is working from home, their workday is a breeze. While some of them may be thriving, there are others that may be struggling. Especially your extroverts. Have regular chats with your team and figure out how they are feeling and be prepared to help with any struggles. 

By having regular communication with your team, they will feel that they’re appreciated and cared about. It’s also a great way to stay in touch with everyone while social distancing and working from home are the norm. 

 5. Have some fun.

You heard that right. Have some fun! While this may look different for every business, don’t be afraid to shake things up a bit every now and then. No matter what you decide, there is always some way to encourage employees to engage in activities that feel less like work and more like a day off. Whether it’s a virtual happy hour or a Netflix party, a little relaxation can go a long way in building a consistent company culture. 

When it comes to furthering your business, there are few things that are more important than the employees who work for it. Hold on to your talented employees and create an employee-friendly environment that is shared between the physical office and the home. Your company culture is your saving grace even during these unusual circumstances, but when your culture thrives, so will your business.

Trusted Regina Electrician Active Electric Share a TIP on Why You Should Install a Generator

Active Electric are Trusted Regina Electricians and they get it right the first time, delivering all electrical services including installation, upgrade, and repair solutions.


Experiencing Power Outages?  Active Electric Shares A Tip on Why You Should Install a Generator

When most people think of generators, they tend to think about things such as construction sites and those who are turning to off-grid solutions for everyday living. The fact is, however, that more and more people are choosing to install generators in their homes and businesses.

A generator will power your home through power outages caused by storms, other weather, or man-made problems.  Generator installation is on the rise, be a part of the community and be prepared.  Below are a few reasons home generators can be a practical, cost-effective solution at your home or business.

Emergency Preparedness

Storms not only have damaging wind and rain that can knock down power lines, in some cases, but they also spawn tornadoes that can do even more damage to the power grid.  Power generators ensure you have access to electricity in emergency situations. Storms, rolling blackouts, and damage to power lines are just a few of the things that can come about when you least expect them. Having a power generator in place before these problems occur means you never have to worry

Furthermore, if a disaster were ever to occur, scrambling to find a power generator may be the last thing you want to do.

Backup Power For Home Appliance & Medical Devices

When the power is out, appliances shut off. Usually, worst-case scenario is having to reset clocks and power devices back on when electricity becomes available. Some appliances however have consequences. Food storage for instance can constitute a problem if refrigerators and freezers become inoperable for any substantial amount of time, as many items can spoil in just a few hours at room temperature.  

A much more serious reason to have a power generator on standby is the need for home medical devices. Equipment such as a CPAP machine for those suffering from sleep apnea, electrical hospital beds and chairs for those with mobility issues, heart monitors, dialisis machines and more are all dependent on electricity without fail. When you depend on one of those, you cannot tolerate the risk of a power outage.

Using a generator in a storm can preserve food, it can keep damaging mold from growing in your house from a lack of air-conditioning. A generator can let you operate pumps to keep your home from succumbing to water damage from flooding. It can allow your business to keep running during a power outage and prevent profit losses.

In cases where these devices are present, it is a good idea to have a power generator on standby that is dependable and will not let you down. This is a situation where you will want a professionally installed system that you know you don’t have to worry about.

Safety and Security

As many security experts in Regina will tell you, one of the first things many home intruders often do with the increasing presence of home cameras and security is cut the power of a home. In the absence of backup power or batteries, this will not only turn off the lights but shut down cameras and alarms preventing anyone home or away from that there may be an intruder.

Permanent power generators that automatically turn on with power loss can mitigate these concerns, and ensure continued security and monitoring in the event of a blackout or loss of power.

What type of generator do you need?

If you are only interested in keeping a refrigerator going and perhaps a few small appliances, a portable generator is the best. If you have a home or business and want to keep the air conditioner and all the electric powered items going, then a stationary (standby) generator is best. This generator should be installed by a licensed electrician to ensure it works correctly when a power outage occurs.

Portable Generators

These types of generators are much less expensive than their permanent counterparts. However, they are completely dependent upon your presence.

You have to manually start the generator and, if you have to use it for any length of time, monitor the gas consumption. 

Furthermore, a portable generator must be no closer to your home than ten feet, because of the carbon monoxide emissions. At the same time, you will want to house it in an enclosure that keeps it safe from the elements but also allows for free movement of air.

If you are using a portable generator in an emergency situation, it’s likely that it will only be able to power the most important appliances in your home. They simply are not big enough to handle the brunt of everything from appliances, televisions, lighting and everything else. Plan to downplay your energy output if you will be depending on a portable.

Permanent Placement Generators

You can find these in many different sizes, but all in all the expense will be more. The main reason for this is that you are paying for more peace of mind. Should you need to leave your home for vacation or business for a few days, you can rest assured your generator will take care of any random power outages. 

They are very quiet, much safer than a portable generator and, should you decide to sell your home, they can bring about 50% of their original cost in the sale.

The downside to permanently placed power generators is that they need maintenance every two years. However, with that maintenance, the reliability can be determined, and if there are needs such as medical equipment involved, the peace of mind is absolutely priceless.

If you are considering a home generator, and need assistance with electrical or infrastructure to ensure the safety and reliability of your investment, feel free to contact us for cost estimates and recommendations. 

If you are ever uncertain about a potential electrical issue in your home please contact Active Electric and one of their qualified professionals would be happy to help.  They also provide Free quotes! 

ACTIVE ELECTRIC are TRUSTED REGINA ELECTRICIANS -  Check out his listing here in REGINA ELECTRICIANS on the Regina Directory of excellence!

Trusted Regina Welcomes Our Newest Partner Campbell & Haliburton Insurance Ltd.

The Trusted Regina directory community welcomes Campbell & Haliburton Insurance ltd!  Yet another amazing new partner to the Regina Directory of excellence in the Insurance category.  Our Regina team works for YOU, the public and we work extremely hard to find the Trusted local businesses we feature on the Regina Directory.  We do all the running around and checking on those businesses so YOU don't have to,  the Trusted verification process is intense and we take our job very seriously.  Let us tell you why Campbell & Haliburton is a Trusted Regina Insurance provider. 

Trusted Regina Welcomes Our Newest Partner Campbell & Haliburton Insurance Ltd. to the Directory of Excellence

Campbell & Haliburton Insurance Ltd have been a part of the Regina community since 1957.  They are a family owned company, no not by the Campbells or the Haliburton's but by the Brian Gibson family.  John Grant, Brian’s son in law is the president of the entire Campbell & Haliburton group of companies including the insurance office. 

Campbell & Haliburton have worked hard to establish partnerships and relationships with the insurance companies that they represent.  Many of these relationships span decades.  Why does that matter?  Quite simply, it means that when they need to advocate on your behalf, either in terms of arranging insurance or at the time of claim, they have the history and relationships they need to stand with you.  The outcome of these relationships translates into exceptional customer service.  This was truly reflected in the many calls we made to customers and the outstanding reviews they received.  Here is one example:

"I give Campbell & Haliburton a 10 out of 10.  In my experience they have gone the extra mile to provide great service.  They are also involved in the community which is important to me"  - Sean Reidy - Regina , SK

Even though insurance is the day-to-day, nuts and bolts part of Campbell & Haliburton's business, like you, they live, eat, and breathe here in Saskatchewan.  They care about what matters, to our province, city, neighbours, and customers.  To that end their team looks to find ways to give back.  For years they have been a proud supporter of the Cathedral Arts Festival, celebrating life and diversity here in our own backyard.  They believe in wellness, physical, mental, and social.  They are the title sponsor for the Queen City Marathon Campbell & Haliburton Family 5K each year in September.  

Campbell & Haliburton also recognize that there are those who selflessly do things we cannot.  They have aided community partners here in Regina.  Partners such as Build Love, who assist the less fortunate with a new lease on life, or the North Central Family Centre who helps those in need.  While they may not be on the daily front line in these ventures they stand alongside and lend our support and expertise in other ways.

They are a diverse company with the management and staff proudly representing various backgrounds and diversity the same way that our province does.

Campbell & Haliburton's doors opened in 1957.  Since then, they have seen run-away inflation, recessions and now, a global pandemic.  Through it all their doors have remained open as they are committed to providing outstanding service to you.  No matter what the next years and decades bring they have committed to continue to stay open to serve you.

Campbell & Haliburton is a Trusted Regina Insurance Provider.

Trusted Regina Mover Ray's Moving & Storage Share 5 Tips For a Stress Free Move

In life, few events match the stress of moving. In this busy time of new beginnings and major changes, Rays Moving & Storage appreciated that their clients place a great deal of trust and responsibility with them.

Moving everything you own is a very personal experience and something that they do not take lightly... Moving can be an especially stressful time for families, whether it is across town or across the country. Having a true professional like Rays handling your possessions is the key to alleviating all of your worries! In their latest tip Rays share 5 tips for a dress free move. Rays are Trusted Regina Movers & Storage Pros.

Move-in day excitement shouldn’t be overshadowed by moving day anxiety. Some smart preparation can go a long way towards making moving a little more uplifting (and a little less heavy lifting). Here are 5 things you can do leading up to your move to make for less stress on moving day.

Tip 1. Consider Your Move Date

Like apples and pumpkin spice lattes, there is a peak season for moving. Considering that the first and last weeks of the month can be particularly popular, a mid-week, mid-month move is your best bet.

Having access to the widest array of dates and times means that you’ll be able to plan your move when it’s most convenient for you. 

Tip 2. Have a Packing Plan

Less stuff equals less stress when it comes to packing. Take stock of what you actually want to take when you move. It is time for a purge?

This meticulous approach keeps you sane and helps you plan—knowing exactly what you’ll be moving and how unwieldy those items is key for deciding what kind of moving company you’ll need.

Tip 3. Do Your Research

Options can be overwhelming, but having the right information will make you feel confident that you’re hiring the right team for your move. When it comes to moving companies, they generally fall into 3 major categories: full-service, self-service, and specialized. How much you have to move, what kind of items you’re moving, and your budget will determine which category of moving company makes the most sense. In broad terms, a full-service moving company handles every part of the move—from packing to transporting to unloading at your final destination. A self-service company generally handles only the transportation part of the move (meaning that packing, unpacking, loading, and unloading the truck are up to you) and specialized moving companies are trained in proper techniques for moving unique items like antiques, art, appliances, or pianos.

Ensure that movers you select are properly licensed and insured professional movers like Rays.

4. Budget Accordingly

Expenses can add up quickly, especially when you’re moving long-distance, so keeping track of your budget is a crucial step in your pre-move plan. Your moving quote will be a powerful tool to help you budget.

5. Think About Moving Insurance

When you’ve taken care to pack only your most meaningful belongings, the last thing you want is to worry about them being damaged on their way to your destination. Moving insurance can give you peace of mind. You can ask the moving companies giving you quotes what expanded coverage they may offer, or, if your items are particularly valuable, you may want to consider carrying your own third-party moving insurance policy as well.

List of Rays Moving Services: 


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